Ongoing Projects

Urban Camp #IN NOVA

Organizing the First Edition of the Urban Camp #IN NOVA

As part of the 2024 #IN SNSPA project (full title: "Inclusion and Access in Higher Education in the Field of Social Sciences"), Smart-EDU Hub is actively participating in A1.1. set of activities, entitled #IN NOVA. The specific objective of this collaboration is to promote higher education and increase access to higher education in the field of social sciences for students from disadvantaged regions of Romania (especially from the South-East, South, and South-West) by organizing the urban camp #IN NOVA, training sessions #IN IT1O, and orientation campaigns #IN 4 Science.


Non-formal Courses: Over six days, students will participate in non-formal courses dedicated to introducing the political and administrative culture of Romania.

Study Visits: Participants will visit public authorities partnering with SNSPA, such as the National Institute of Administration, the National Agency of Civil Servants, the Association of Municipalities in Romania, and the Romanian Parliament.

Social-Cultural Activities: These will include visits to the Cotroceni Museum, the Palace of the Parliament, and the National Bank of Romania to increase students' interest in the study of social sciences.

Online Presence: The camp will be promoted online through posts and press releases, becoming a regular activity of SNSPA under the aegis of the Smart-EDU Hub.


For more details clcik here!


Period: L1-L4 (L1 - the first month of the project, April 2024).

Human Resources Involved: 4 teaching staff, 3 experts, 4 students.

Duration: The #IN NOVA Urban Camp is set for one week in Bucharest, with a daily schedule of 4 hours of courses, 4 hours of workshops, study visits, and social-cultural activities.

Participants: 25 students selected by high schools from disadvantaged regions. The courses will include role-playing games, competitions, and applied projects.

Collaborations. Two iconic public institutions: the Romanian Parliament and the National Bank of Romania.

Educational Resources: 4 teaching staff involved in creating course materials and delivering courses, selected competitively.


1 press release regarding the organization of the first edition of the camp.

1 #IN NOVA brochure, which will include the camp program and testimonials, distributed in printed format to high schools (especially in disadvantaged regions) and online.


Past Projects 


Full title: Digital media for increasing the quality of education and students insertion on the labor market. Maximizing the benefits of visual technologies in the learning process through virtual teaching environments.

Targeted area: Improving the quality of teaching activity, including respect for deontology and academic ethics

Time frame: 8 months (2021)

Purpose of the project: Creating a system to stimulate learning by adapting it to the individual study needs of students by forming a computer platform to support and facilitate teaching and increase its quality, developing mechanisms, tools and procedures to link the educational offer of SNSPA to current trends in labor market and the international academic community.

Outputs - digitalized courses:

Related outputs - published articles:

Related outputs - scientific contests:


From smart cities to smart nation. Synergy of smart projects implemented at city level in Romania

Time frame: 24 months (2019-2021)

Purpose of the project: The objective is to draw the map of Romania on the smart cities development axes by analyzing the projects initiated by the municipalities.

In order to achieve this, two derived research hypotheses were formulated: (1) In the public sector, projects need to address both efficiency and equity, which puts a lot of pressure on public decision-makers, forcing them to implement current projects, adapted to technological change, but also taking into account cohesion, i.e., concern for interregional disparities in economic performance. (2) Economic growth and regional development are strongly connected with the use of electronic means to do public business, but also with the implementation of smart projects at the local level always aiming at creating inclusive cities, internal connection with public decision makers, increasing the quality of public services and services, post-supply and, especially, collaboration with partners.

Outputs - published articles: []

Time frame: 24 months (2013-2015)

Purpose of the project: To initiate changes on the Romanian municipalities Web-sites. 

The theme of the project revolves around the notion of e-government, a young concept, but which has started to be more and more present in the development strategies of the world's administrations. This concept now certainly involves Web initiatives, thus joining the list of changes in the economy. By these initiatives we refer especially to the way of communication of public institutions with the citizens, through their own Internet Web-sites, and in parallel, through the use of social-media platforms.

Outputs - published materials: