- Smart Governance;
- Enabling supply & demand side policy;
- Transparency & Open data;
- ICT & e-gov;
- Smart Environment;
- Green energy;
- Green architecture;
- Green urban planning;
- Smart Security;
- Securing Smart Cities;
- Smart Cities Cyber Management;
- Information sabotage;
- Smart Technology;
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Internet of Everything (IoE)
- Smart infrastructure
- Smart Economy;
- Entrepreneurship & social innovation;
- Productivity;
- Local & Global Interconnectedness;
- Smart People;
- 21st Century education;
- Inclusive society;
- Creativity-centered;
- Smart Mobility;
- Mixed-modal access;
- Prioritized clean & non-monitorized option;
- Integrated ICT;
- Smart Living;
- Culturally vibrant & happy;
- Safe;
- Healthy;
- Future trends - Smart(er) State;
- Smart(er) Democracy;
- Smart(er) Citizenship.